Efektivitas Promosi Kesehatan menggunakan Metode Ceramah tentang HIV/AIDS terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Remaja di SMK Tritech Informatika dan SMK Namira Tech Nusantara Medan tahun 2016

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the problem of HIV/AIDS in teenagers, based on a survey, shows that 57.8% of AIDS cases infect teenagers in the age group of 15-29 years old; this indicates that those who are infected by HIV are still young. Up to March, 2010 there had been 20,564 cases and 54.3% of them infected teenagers. Until the end of June, 2011, there had been 26,483 cases of AIDS in Indonesia. The real number was about 270,001 cases of HIV and AIDS in Indonesia. More than 60% of people infected by HIV are less than 30 years old. Therefore, it is necessary to make an effort to prevent teenagers from being infected by HIV (KPA, 2010). The objective of the research was to analyze the effectiveness of speech method about HIV/AIDS on teenagers’ knowledge and attitude at SMK Tritech Informatika and SMK Namira Tech Nusantara, Medan, in 2013. The type of the research was quasi-experiment with static group comparison design with pretest-posttest. The population was all X grade and XI grade students of SMK Tritech Informatika. The samples consisted of 86 respondents, divided into two groups: 43 students belonged to the treatment group with speech method at SMK Tritech Informatika, and the other 43 students belonged to the control group at SMK Namira Tech Nusantara. The data were gathered by using questionnaires and analyzed by using Paired-Samples T Test and Chi Square test which statistically meant that p<0.05. The result of the research showed that speech method was effective to increase knowledge and attitude in the treatment group before and after intervention, that is, from 9.55 to 11.58 with p=0.001, compared with the control group without treatment from 9.62 to 9.74 with p=0.806 >0.05 and attitude in the treatment group from 32.34 to 44.86 with p=0.001, compared with attitude in the control group, from 34.00 to 35.48 with p=0.326 >0.05. The result of Chi Square test showed that communicators had correlation with knowledge p=0.001 and attitude p=0.004 about HIV/AIDS in teenagers at SMK Tritech Informatika, Medan, in 2013. Recommended for the school that makes a counseling program on a regular basis for teenagers using a lecturer or a good communicator, so as to convey the messages and information about HIV and AIDS to students on an ongoing basis.

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